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Muscle Building 5x5 System

The 5 X 5 system is called Strong-lifts in the bodybuilding world for good reason. It is without a doubt the simplest and most effective system to increase strength, muscle mass and fat-loss. The routine is training three times a week for 45 minutes of hell, but it works.

You squat in every workout, so you're squatting 3 times a week using for 5 sets of 5 reps. These are done on all the movements except Deadlifts. Deadlifts are 1 X 5, doing more would just beat you up. You'll see that you'll be stronger at Deadlifts because it will work similar muscles.

Unlike any regular bodybuilding routine, your goal when training Strong-Lifts isn't to get to failure, get "pumped", sore or train till you pass out. Your goal is simply to add weight. It starts with a light weight focusing on form, slowly adding 5lbs or 10lbs each workout.

The 5 X 5 system or the Strong-Lifts consists of doing two full body-workouts:

Workout A:
Squat 5 X 5
Bench Press 5 X 5
Barbell Rows 5 X 5

Workout B:
Squat 5 X 5
Overhead Press 5 X 5
Deadlift 1 X 5

This means you'll be doing workout A on Monday, workout B on Wednesday and then workout A again on Friday. This will mean that after a two-day rest over the weekend, unless you train on Sunday. Your Sunday or Monday workout would then be workout B and so on.

You never land up training two days consecutively because your body has to get a full day's rest, even if the workout was only 45 minutes, you need a day off to get repaired and stronger. It is important to note that your body is built to survive and adapt, so it's a good idea to not stick to Strong-lifts for more than 6 weeks.

Bodybuilders have been using 5 X 5 since the time of Reg Park in the 1950's who was the first competitive bodybuilder to use this method to gain some serious muscle on his huge frame. Since then famous strength coaches like Vince Geronda have used the 5 X 5 system very effectively to train countless top professional bodybuilders.

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